Price: £295.00
Where to Buy: lkbennett.com
Bagopedia's Rating: 3.5 Bags (Out of 5)
Bagopeida's Comment: The hottest sisters in the world, Pippa and Kate Middleton, have been name the new symbols of style. They have been chased by cameras for their elegant looks in affordable price tags. Pippa continues to choose handbags from British brand- L. K. Bennett. Bagopeida is surprised that she is able to choose inexpensive handbags with maximum look to it. This bag, for example, has the Tod's look to it, but cost only a quarter of the price. The bag is a open tote with nice details- lots of details but nicely put together. Bagopedia sometimes finds the extra straps annoying and unnecessary. In this case, Bagopedia doesn't mind it at all.
You can only purchase this bag on L. K. Bennett's website. 5 Colors to choose from.
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